
how to find surface area of a cone

Calculate volume and surface area of a cone

Given slant height, height and radius of a cone, we have to calculate the volume and surface area of the cone.

  • Cone :
    Cone is a three dimensional geometric shape. It consists of a base having the shape of a circle and a curved side (the lateral surface) ending up in a tip called the apex or vertex.

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  • Volume of a cone :
    The volume of a cone is given by the formula –
volume = 1/3(pi * r * r * h)
  • where r is the radius of the circular base, and h is the height (the perpendicular distance from the base to the vertex).
  • Surface area of a cone :
    The surface area of a cone is given by the formula –
area = pi * r * s + pi * r^2          
  • Where r is the radius of the circular base, and s is the slant height of the cone.

Examples :

            Input            :  radius = 5 slant_height = 13 height = 12            Output            : Volume Of Cone = 314.159 Surface Area Of Cone = 282.743            Input            : radius = 6 slant_height = 10 height = 8            Output            :  Volume Of Cone = 301.593 Surface Area Of Cone = 301.593



using namespace std;

float pi = 3.14159;

float volume( float r, float h)


return ( float (1) / float (3)) * pi *

r * r * h;


float surface_area( float r, float s)


return pi * r * s + pi * r * r;


int main()


float radius = 5;

float slant_height = 13;

float height = 12;

float vol, sur_area;

cout << "Volume Of Cone : "

<< volume(radius, height) << endl;

cout << "Surface Area Of Cone : "

<< surface_area(radius, slant_height);

return 0;



class GFG


static float pi = 3 .14159f;

public static float volume( float r,

float h)


return ( float ) 1 / 3 * pi * h *

r * r;


public static float surface_area( float r,

float s)


return pi * r * s + pi * r * r;


public static void main(String args[])


float radius = 5 ;

float slant_height = 13 ;

float height = 12 ;

float vol, sur_area;

System.out.print( "Volume Of Cone : " );

System.out.println(volume(radius, height));

System.out.print( "Surface Area Of Cone : " );






import math

pi = math.pi

def volume(r, h):

return ( 1 / 3 ) * pi * r * r * h

def surfacearea(r, s):

return pi * r * s + pi * r * r

radius = float ( 5 )

height = float ( 12 )

slat_height = float ( 13 )

print ( "Volume Of Cone : " , volume(radius, height) )

print ( "Surface Area Of Cone : " , surfacearea(radius, slat_height) )


using System;

class GFG


static float pi = 3.14159f;

public static float volume( float r,

float h)


return ( float )1 / 3 * pi * h *

r * r;


public static float surface_area( float r,

float s)


return pi * r * s + pi * r * r;


public static void Main()


float radius = 5;

float slant_height = 13;

float height = 12;

Console.Write( "Volume Of Cone : " );



Console.Write( "Surface Area Of Cone : " );







function volume( $r , $h )


$pi = 3.14159;

return (1 / 3) * $pi * $r *

$r * $h ;


function surface_area( $r , $s )


$pi = 3.14159;

return $pi * $r * $s + $pi *

$r * $r ;


$radius = 5;

$slant_height = 13;

$height = 12;

echo ( "Volume Of Cone : " );

echo ( volume( $radius , $height ));

echo ( "\n" );

echo ( "Surface Area Of Cone : " );

echo ( surface_area( $radius ,

$slant_height ));




const pi = 3.14159;

function volume( r,  h)


return ((1) / (3)) * pi *

r * r * h;


function surface_area( r,  s)


return pi * r * s + pi * r * r;


let radius = 5;

let slant_height = 13;

let height = 12;

let vol, sur_area;

document.write( "Volume Of Cone : "

+ volume(radius, height).toFixed(2) + "<br/>" );

document.write( "Surface Area Of Cone : "

+ surface_area(radius, slant_height).toFixed(2) + "<br/>" );


Output :

Volume Of Cone : 314.159 Surface Area Of Cone : 282.743

how to find surface area of a cone


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