
How To Get Points Off Your License In Fl

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Points, Points Suspensions and Driving Privileges in Florida

Driving in the State of Florida is a privilege.  If you break traffic laws or become an unsafe driver, your license can be taken away.  It can be suspended, revoked or canceled.  Since Florida has "reciprocal agreements" with most of the other states, the loss or suspension is also applied to those states.  Suspensions can also occur if have neglected to pay a ticket in another state or did not complete a class order by a court in other states.

The Point System

How to Keep Points
off your Record

Here is the point system for traffic violations in Florida.  It's important to remember that a single incident can have multiple violations.  Therefore the points added to your record will be equal to the total of each violation.


: If your traffic stop included a ticket for "Unlawful Speed -- in excess of 15 mph" AND another citation for not using your turn signal when changing lanes, then you will earn a total of 7 points.

Violation Points
Leaving the scene of a crash resulting in property damage of more than $50.00 6
Unlawful speed resulting in a crash 6
Reckless driving, willful and wanton (Criminal Traffic) violations 4
Passing a stopped school bus 4
Unlawful Speed -- in excess of 15 mph of lawful or posted speed 4
Unlawful Speed -- less than 15 mph of lawful or posted speed 3
Violation of Child Restraint Laws 3
All other moving violations (including parking on a highway outside the limits of a municipality 3
Any moving violation NOT covered above, excluding unlawful speed, resulting in a crash 4
Any conviction under s.403.413(5)(b) Florida Litter Law 3
Violation of S 316.0741(HOV / Car Pool Lanes) or S 316.2065 (Bicycle Regulations) 0

How long do Points stay on your license in Florida

Points stay on your license for a period of 36 months or 3 years.  The time begins on the day the driver pays the fine and the citation clears the county.  For drivers that opted to go to court and were adjudicated "guilty", the points start on the day all court ordered requirements are satisfied.  It is important to recognize that insurance increases resulting from the Citation will typically remain in effect for at least this 3 year period or the date you lost your Safe Driver Status.

There are long term financial consequences to you for having points on your record.  In addition to earning a Points Suspension, you will experience higher auto insurance rates that will last for at least 3 years.

Length of Point Suspensions

The length of Driving Privileges Suspension varies according to how many points you receive over a period of time.  Remember --points stay on your driving record for 3 years (36 months) and are NOT removed after you have served a Suspension.  Additionally, Florida requires persons to complete the 12 Hour Advanced Driver Improvement Course (ADI course) prior to reinstating their Privileges for a Points Suspension.

  1. 12 Points within a 12 month period -- 30 day Suspension
  2. 18 Points within a 18 month period -- 90 day Suspension
  3. 24 Points within a 36 month period -- 1 Year Suspension

Drivers age 15 to 17 who receive 6 points will be restricted to a Business Purposes Only license for 12 months or until reaching age 18.  Restriction time is increased by 90 days for EACH additional point that is accumulated.

Driver Improvement Class for Florida Statute 322.0261(4)

Florida requires any operator convicted of the offenses below to complete the 4 hour Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course.

  • Running a Red Light,
  • Passing a Stopped School Bus,
  • Racing on a Highway (including spectators), or
  • Reckless Driving (including DUI Reduced to Reckless)

4 Hour BDI
Class Info

What should you do if you are cited for one of the above?

  1. You take the 4 Hour class as an "Election" to avoid having the Points assessed against your License.  You will also receive an 18% discount on the fine.
  2. When you just pay the fine and do not "Elect" to take the course, you will receive the Points on your record.  About a month later, you will receive a DHSMV Letter notifying you to take the class. Failure to complete the course once you receive the Letter, will result in the operator's driving privileges being suspended.  (F.S. 322.0261(4) - See additional details.)

Florida Classroom and Online Courses Information

Our Florida Online classes are created to be as convenient as possible for you.  You work at your own pace, from your home, and on your own computer.  The Online courses will operate on any PC or Mac that is connected to the Internet.  Nothing special is required or typically needs to be downloaded.  ( See Requirements)

The online drivers education classes are simple to use.  They are designed to accommodate Novice or Expert Internet users, and are available in English or Spanish.

Our defensive driving school courses are Florida DMV and Court approved.  They are designed to help drivers refresh their knowledge of safe driving tactics, understand the benefits and responsibilities of having a Florida License, and become acquainted with new traffic laws.  You will be refreshing your defensive driving skills, including learning about collision avoidance, effects of weather conditions, sharing the road, safe use of technology, dangers of Distracted Driving and Florida's updated DUI Laws.

  1. Female StudentYou log onto our Traffic School web site at the American Safety Institute (ASI) and Register through your internet connection.
  2. You may complete an online class in one sitting or login many times.
  3. You can login anytime -- 24/7 -- from any computer connected to the internet to complete your class.

After you finish the class materials and view the engaging videos, you take a multiple choice final exam online.  The computer grades the exam and you know immediately if you have passed.  If you do not pass, you can retake the test immediately at no additional charge.

When you complete an online defensive driving course, your Certificate is processed immediately.  You download your Certificate as soon as you finish your class (No additional charge).

There are Never any Hidden Fees at Nations Traffic Safety School!

Classroom courses are provided in a relaxed seminar style format.  This allows you to have direct contact with a certified instructor and have a forum to discuss topics with other students.  The seminar style courses offers a highly social class with plenty of interaction among participants.

Students in ClassroomThe course is divided into multiple sessions and topics.  Sessions are 50 minutes in length with a 10 minute break once an hour.  While there is no test required to complete the class, students are encouraged and expected to actively participate in the seminar discussions in order to receive their Completion Certificate.

We believe in educating our students.  Our Instructors keep your attention and will arm you with information about traffic law and other important factors to help you stop receiving Traffic Tickets.  Sorry, if you are looking for boring Videos, students will not get those here!  One thing is guaranteed, students actually leave our school with a different perspective about the driving environment, plus positive thoughts and techniques to avoid additional traffic violations.

Nations offers Traditional Live Classroom in our Tampa Center, in Orlando near UCF/ Research Park, and in Kissimmee off I-4 near Disney.  Classes are offered on weekends and weekdays.  Join us.

Course Completion Certificates are printed and provided to students at the end of the class.  You will receive two copies before you leave class.


  1. A Signed original with a unique Certificate Number.  This copy is for the Clerk of the Courts (Court Orders).  If you are attending a 4-Hr class as an "Election" or for a Florida DHSMV Requirement, your original certificate is electronically delivered.
  2. A second copy is provided as a receipt for your records.  We suggest students file this as a backup copy with your other important documents.

4 Hour BDI Class

Florida requires all motor vehicle operators convicted (adjudicated Guilty) of Running a Red Light, Passing a Stopped School Bus, Racing on a Highway (including spectators), or Reckless Driving to complete the 4 hour Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDI Class).  All drivers, including CDL holders, are required to complete this course.  Failure to complete the course will result in the operator's driving privileges being suspended.

Students in ClassroomAll drivers, except CDL holders and those convicted of Passing a Stopped School Bus on the enter/exit side (court appearance required), may "Elect" to attend the required 4 Hour BDI school in lieu of points.  If the violator "Elects" to attend school for the above violations, the Points will be withheld and that Election will satisfy the requirements of F.S. 322.0261(4).

If a violator does not choose to Elect to attend school, Points will be added to their record for 3 years and the Florida DMV will automatically generate a notice advising the violator they must attend a 4 Hour BDI course (Basic Driver Instruction) School within 90 days from the date of the notice.  The letter notice will be generated and sent to the driver upon information being received at the DMV after the fine was paid at the County Clerk of the Courts.

If a driver fails to complete the course within 90 days after receiving notice from the Florida DHSMV, the operator's driving privileges shall be canceled until the course is successfully completed.

Veteran Owned and Operated Defensive Driving School

How To Get Points Off Your License In Fl


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